About Us, the Creators of the Renewable Energy Blog

Hello dear readers and welcome again to our blog! You already know the topic of our humble blog, but if you want more information about renewable energy and how Europe means to integrate it to its grid, we suggest reading our welcome post first.

We want to use this section of the blog to introduce ourselves to you and to tell you a little bit more about why we made the blog in the first place. We believe in full transparency, so we thought it would be appropriate to show you who we are.

So, Who Are We

We are a couple of friends who live in Germany and we are very interested in the developments of renewable energy integration in the European Union and Europe in general. None of us are experts in energy generation and consumption, but our interest has led us on interesting paths of discovery and new understanding of electricity and its role in shaping our world.

As a result of recent unfortunate events in Europe, we were all witnesses to the energy crisis that grappled Germany and other European countries. This is what made us research alternative energy sources and their integration to the European grid.

Why We Made the Blog

We already told you how we all found ourselves interested in renewable energy, but you might still wonder why we made this blog. The core mission of our blog is to inform European readers about renewable energy and how governments and businesses mean to implement in their grid.

While we support renewable energy as we believe it is future and that it would eventually help us once we run out of fossil fuels to burn, we also believe that it is not our place to tell our readers what they should support.

For example, we see the merit of nuclear energy as well, and we feel like it has a bad rep due to some isolated accidents in the past. Renewable energy has proven to be more eco-friendly, however, so it could be said that we prefer it over other alternatives to fossil fuels.

All in all, we believe that people should be informed and aware of what is happening around them and what actions their governments are undertaking in an attempt to move away from fossil fuels which is a global trend.

We chose to focus on Europe, and more specifically the European Union, because the organisation has a clear plan as to how to phase out harmful natural resources such as coal and gas.

Additionally, we are part of the European Union, and we have a clear idea of how it works which is why we want to educate other people living in the Union because decisions are being made in their names as well.

Renewable energy projects are usually undertaken by government and big companies, but as you all already know, there are things that individual energy consumers can do to contribute positively to the trend such as installing solar panels or simply choosing an energy provider that sources electricity from renewable sources.

We also want to use this blog to highlight European countries and businesses which are committed to using clean energy and serve as excellent examples to the merits of renewable energy generation and consumption.

Thank You

Thank you for reading this post and thank you so much for supporting our blog! Your support means a lot to us!